
% — Beginning of user’s limbo section —

\WN1. FORWARD REFERENCING. Here is a nonsense program illustrating forward referencing for identifiers. Although there are various instances of forward references, there was need for just one explicit~‘\.{@[’ command (in module~3). Identifiers that are used in the same section as they are defined are subscripted with a bullet. Note how the module-number subscripts are set in different type for different kinds of identifiers.

Here we see that one can refer to the macros~\WCD{ \|D\WIN3{2 and~\WCD{ \|W% \WIN2{2 as well as the user-defined type~\WCD{ \&{PTR\WIN5{4 in advance of their definition, yet they will be subscripted properly. \WY\WP \&{int \1\\{main\WIN1{0${(\,)$\2\1\6 ${\{$\6 \WX4:Typedefs\X \X\6 \WX3:Special stuff\X \X\7 ${\|x=\\{fcn\WIN1{2(\|D\WIN3{2(\\{outer\_test));$\6 ${\\{py=\|g\WIN0{3(\|W\WIN2{2(\\{WEB\_test));$\6 ${\$\2\WY\par \fi % End of module 1

\WM2. Examples of definitions of an outer macro, a \WEB\ macro, and a function. \WY\WP\Wd::$\|D\WIN3{0(\\{name) $\5 \#\\{name\par \WP\WMd$\|W\WIN2{0(\\{arg) $\5 ${\ast\\{arg\PP{$\par \WY\WP \&{int \1\\{fcn\WIN1{0(\&{char ${\ast\\{name)$\2\1\6 ${\{\,\$\2\WY\par \fi % End of module 2

\WM3. In the following, we had to say “\.{PTR\ @[g\dots” in order to make forward referencing to~\WCD{ \|g\WIN0{0 work. Although one can say things like “\.{@[int\ g\dots”, it wouldn’t work here to say “\.{@[PTR\ g\dots” because \WCD{ \&{PTR\WIN5{4~isn’t known yet as a special type, even in phase~1. \WY\WP\4\4\WX3:Special stuff\X \X${\WS{$\7 \&{PTR\WIN5{4 \1\|g\WIN1{0(\&{int \|i)\2\1\6 ${\{\,\$\2\WY\par \WU section~1.\fi % End of module 3

\WM4. The compiler will see this \WCD{ \&{typedef before any statements that use the type \WCD{ \&{PTR\WIN5{0. \WY\WP\4\4\WX4:Typedefs\X \X${\WS{$\7 \&{typedef \&{char \1${\ast\&{PTR\WIN5{0;$\2\WY\par \WU section~1.\fi % End of module 4

\WN5. INDEX. \fi % End of module 5

\input demo3.ndx \input demo3.mds

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